Are you or your partner sexually dominant in bed? Your zodiac sign will tell! Maybe it's also dormant in you or your loved one without you really being aware of it until now? Then watch out: We'll tell you the top 3 signs of the zodiac who, according to astrology, have it in their blood to swing the whip and make clear announcements during sex in a pretty hot way...
The Leo likes to be in the spotlight, even in bed. If you have sex with him, you have to be prepared that he will immediately take control and be reluctant to give it up. But you can let yourself go completely and enjoy what he does to you. Of course, lions also want you to like everything they do to you...
Aries are extremely passionate, which quickly leads to them showing dominance in bed, giving you directions and sometimes being harder on you. However, they are not very into BDSM games that delay the act for a long time. Instead, they like it hard, fast, but still with the necessary pinch of passion that makes the sex simply unforgettable.
First place goes to Scorpios, who are the most adventurous when it comes to sex and simply have it in their blood to lead and, of course, seduce their partner in bed. No matter what fetish it is, you can always expect surprises! If you surrender to your submissive role and let the scorpion play its little sexual power games, then you can look forward to an extremely exciting adventure that you won't soon forget...