There are some zodiac couples that are particularly well suited to each other in bed. But regardless of who the sparks fly with (and actually how hot it gets), women with a certain zodiac sign have sex more than others. Is it yours?
Well, you probably know best yourself whether you've had a lot or little sex in the last year. But an analysis of 500,000 user profiles of the cycle app "Eve" showed that how often we have sex seems to have something to do with the zodiac sign.
Since the users of the cycle app had not only entered their date of birth in the data, but also when they had sexual intercourse, the operators of "Eve" were able to find out which zodiac signs are particularly common:
Congratulations if your zodiac sign is Aquarius. This zodiac sign has had significantly more sex than any other woman in the past year. Aquarius women benefit from the fact that they are very determined and know exactly what they want in both relationships and on first dates - and get it!
According to statistics, virgins are often not so virgin anymore! In sex statistics, they take second place after Aquarius women. Virgos benefit from their honest and open nature when living out their own sexuality: If you can clearly communicate what you like in bed, you are more likely to get what you want.
The Taurus women also made it onto the podium. No wonder, because Tauruses are persistent when it comes to sex and are true masters of seduction.
By the way, Aries, Cancer and Leo bring up the rear. They didn't get down to business that often, at least statistically speaking.
Little sex doesn't have to be related to a low libido, though. Maybe you are just not sexually compatible with your partner?