Some people just seem made for each other. But does it really only seem that way or is it really destiny? For example, if you believe astrology, there are certain zodiac signs that harmonize really well with each other and others that don't get along. Maybe there is more to random encounters and the love that comes from them... We'll tell you which signs of the zodiac make the perfect couple!
We can hardly imagine a better couple than the emotional Scorpio lady and the sensitive Cancer man: This emotional connection thrives on great emotions and pure passion.
Aries women are bursting with energy, so they need a partner who can keep up with them. A similarly energetic zodiac sign would be ideal to harmonize with the spirited zodiac sign. True to the motto “Like and like flock together”, the fire signs Sagittarius and Leo suit her perfectly.
Of course, there are also some zodiac signs that unfortunately do not harmonize so well together. In the classic zodiac of the signs of the zodiac there are 12 signs of the zodiac, of which 3 each are air, water, fire and earth signs. And between them there are combinations that don't work well at all...
For example, there are these two brawlers: the Sagittarius lady and the Capricorn man. Capricorn is simply too restrictive and down-to-earth for Sagittarius. He cannot understand her passionate worldview.
The same goes for the Pisces lady and the Leo man: he quickly casts a spell over them with his strength. However, since the Pisces woman is willing to do anything with her, he quickly loses interest in the shy water sign.
But as always, exceptions confirm the rule, because miracles happen when it comes to astrology.
Therefore, despite the star rules regarding constellations and birthdays: happy is what makes you happy!