Sometimes love reaches its limits or disappears and two people decide to go their separate ways. If you're lucky, you can break up on good terms and maybe you'll even manage to remain friends after a breakup. But sometimes that is not the case and love turns into indifference or even hatred. We'll tell you here which zodiac signs are the worst ex-partners after a breakup.
It takes a long time for Aquarians to open up to someone. But once you crack them, they love you with everything you've got. However, if they sense that something is changing or if they encounter rejection, they quickly withdraw again. By then you've usually already lost them... After a final goodbye, Aquarians often become real blocks of ice and completely ignore their ex. They become quite indifferent to this person. This can be very hurtful for the other side.
Leos can change drastically after a breakup, reaching near-toxic traits. While they quickly wrap their partner around their finger in the beginning, in a positive sense, their behavior can become really uncomfortable after a breakup. Whether it's true or not, they do everything they can to make the other person feel bad and blame them for everything. Leos react very impulsively and can get quite loud in an argument.
When Taurus are in a breakup phase, they go through just about every emotion imaginable. And even if the relationship is actually over, the person who gets all of this is the ex. It can happen that bulls scream around or are suddenly very quiet and withdrawn. The other person never knows what to expect, and clarifying talks are particularly difficult.
Even during the relationship, it's not always easy with a Scorpio, especially when it comes to jealousy. However, when the relationship is finally over, he feels confirmed in his distrust. This seems to be a free pass for him to gossip really badly about the ex. Ouch, that can really hurt!
Things can also get really uncomfortable with Aries. It is not uncommon for respect to be quickly lost in conversations. Aries also try to forget their ex-partner as quickly as possible and therefore try to distract themselves with others. From the point of view of the ex, this can quickly become hurtful.