Shipping terms
Shipping Policy of Amore18
Delivery estimates are calculated by adding the estimated shipping date and transit time (the time it takes for a package to get from our facilities to your destination address).
When internationally shipped orders reach the destination country, they may be subject to customs clearance procedures, which can cause delays in excess of the original delivery estimates.
If you live in an area prone to unexpected service delays (storms, natural disasters, unplanned events, etc.), please add at least 2 to 3 business days to the estimated delivery date of your order.
The following order statuses are possible:
Payment Pending - Order has been created but not yet paid.
waiting for the recipient's response; Order Not Paid - The selected Amore18 member received a notification email. You can either accept or decline your gift offer.
Rejected by recipient; Order Not Paid - The selected Amore18 member declined your gift offer. You don't have to pay anything.
Rejected by Recipient - The gift offer was rejected.
Accepted by recipient; Order not paid - The selected Amore18 member has accepted your gift offer. You can proceed with the payment.
Canceled by the sender; Order not paid - You have canceled your order. It has been moved to your order history.
Paid - The order has been paid for. Amore18 admin received a notification.
Rejected by admin - The Amore18 admin has rejected your order for some reason. Please use the contact form to get the details.
Shipping in progress - Your order has been shipped and is on its way.
Delivered - Your order has been delivered to the address provided.